Did you know God has a personal interest in your life?

Did you know that He desires the best for you in every realm?

Do you know why everyone doesn’t jump at this chance?

Do you want to know the truth?

Follow along as we discuss these issues.


God is sovereign, meaning He is in complete control of all that He has created. You and I were created for His good pleasure (Isa. 46:10). What possible good pleasure could you or I bring God? We can bring glory and honor to His name by doing what He asks us to do. Before we can do that, however, we must meet God on His terms. Why? Because He designed the rules of the relationship. We call this the Creator-creature distinction.


After creation, man was in a God-ordained plan with Him. Man, however, chose to destroy this relationship by dishonoring God through disobedience (sin). You see God gave man one rule to obey in the Garden of Eden during this time of perfect fellowship but man could not even do that. Because man disobeyed or sinned, the relationship was broken. Out of His love for man, God provided a plan (Gen. 3:15) to restore this broken relationship. You may ask why is disobedience or sin so serious in God’s eyes? Because sin is a complete affront to holy God. It is so serious, God cannot even look upon sin. So what was His plan?


God’s plan involved the death of His son Jesus Christ. The shedding of blood is necessary for the forgiveness of sin (again God’s rules and His plan). In His infinite wisdom, the death of Jesus and the shedding of His blood covered the sins of you and me. So, what is the catch? This blood sacrifice of Jesus is a gift from God to you and me. What you say, a gift? Yes, a gift that you receive freely by asking without working for it. You see, asking is like receiving and opening a gift someone gave you on Christmas day. However, some people never open this gift from God because they do not ask or want to receive it freely on God’s terms. They think, in their own limited perspective, there must be some other way to God (Jn. 14:6), but there is not. Wow, this sounds to good to pass up. What do I need to receive this gift?


These are the steps to receive His gift:

a) First, you must agree with God that you are a sinner (disobedient). (Again God’s rules and plan). Romans 3 :23

b) Second, you agree with God that you, in and of yourself, cannot restore the relationship and that if left undone, you will be eternally separated from God. Romans 6:23

c) Third, you take God up on His offer of forgiveness. I John 1:9

d) Fourth, you follow God’s instructions to believe in Jesus Christ, and that He and only He can restore the relationship. Romans 10:9-10

e) Fifth, if you complete a through d, then you will be restored to God through faith in Jesus Christ. You are then in fellowship with God. This means you will be guaranteed eternal life with Him.

f) Remember, everyone will live forever or eternally. The choice comes down to where they will live, either in heaven or hell. This choice comes by their personal decision or lack of decision. Have you secured your future? The choice is yours!


1. Realize that being born again is the initial step in beginning a life-long relationship with God.

2. Next, you should begin to read the Bible on a daily basis. You may begin anywhere, but I would recommend that you obtain a daily Bible reading schedule so you can read a few chapters in the Old Testament and the New Testament. In lieu of that, read the book of John and/or the books of I, II, and III John. God reveals Himself through the Word to those who diligently seek Him. The Bible is the only place where you will get to know the character of God.

3. Understand that the reason for your earthly life is to prepare you to spend eternity with God. During this time, if you take your spiritual responsibilities to God seriously, He will begin to conform you to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Part of this growth will occur as God begins to apply the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal.5:22-23) to you. This fruit is God-given.

4. Start attending church regularly where the Word of God is preached and taught. The church or local body of believers is essential for your spiritual growth. It is here that you will share your challenges as a new Christian with other believers who can help you grow into Christ. Every believer, including you, has one or more spiritual gifts that God uses to build up the local body.

5. Begin to pray to God. Prayer is simply talking to God. Talk to Him about your desires, needs, and concerns. Obey your conscience through which God will speak to you by the Holy Spirit.

6. Share your faith with others as God directs you to. Do not feel inadequate because you do not believe you know enough. God will use you to share the Gospel in whatever stage you are in during your spiritual journey. Just simply tell the story of how God saved you.

7. Practice your faith daily by obeying the two greatest commandments: a) love God and b) love your neighbor as yourself.